We find acronyms almost everywhere in our life but do you actually know what does it means and where to use it? LASER, the word which is more commonly known by us as a beam or ray of coloured light and can be seen frequently in sci-fi movies However, one question remains, do you actually know what does LASER means? Most of us will normally be influenced by those sci-fi movies and regard laser as something shot out from a "laser gun" The truth is, laser is actually an acronym which is known as "L.A.S.E.R.” which means 'light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation'. Here's another one, we always hear people talking about scuba diving and how they love scuba diving. Do you know that scuba is actually an acronym? It is the abbreviation of 'self-contained underwater breathing apparatus'. So, scuba diving actually means the use of self-contained apparatus or equipments to stay underwater for a period of time.
There are a many types of acronyms, the one which are commonly found and identified are those which are pronounced as a word and contains only initial letters such as 'laser, scuba, FBI'. Other than this, there is pseudo-acronym which is a type of acronym, but when you pronounced the acronym, it resembles a word or a sentence such as ICQ. When you pronounced it normally and fluently, it sounds like "I c u..... I seek you" Yea! That's it; it's the acronym of 'I seek you'. There are many types of acronyms, we are not required to know all of it, but it's good to have some knowledge about it and know the actual meaning of the acronyms. We may happen to come across it in our daily life so it's better to learn up some before it's too late. ^^
There's also acronyms which has many meanings, I still remember last time when I was in secondary sitting for my English test paper, there's always one question about acronym in the multiple-answer part. Many times the question about the acronym P.T.O. were asked, well if you ask me what's the answer, I would say it depends on where it is written. It could be 'please take one, 'please turn over', 'please think over' and the list can go on forever as long as people can think of something which has the initial word of 'p', 't' and 'o'. According to wiki, P.T.O. is an abbreviation for many words including 'Phantom of the Opera' and 'Parent-Teacher Organization'. Lol, acronym is something really wide and it takes time to learn up most of it, so try to read it up whenever possible. ^^
That's all for now. ^^
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