Friday, April 30, 2010

A rather sudden post, will it last?

Finally, an update. He must have felt really bored to be suddenly blogging at this wee hours. There is nothing at the moment that can spark even a tiny bit of his interest. He was actually surfing the net till he suddenly realized that he could actually spend the time updating his blog which he has left untouched for quite some time.

For a moment there he couldn't thought about what to blog about but suddenly he knows that he can talk about this very common topic. Life. 

Have you ever in your life, stop to think about the past and how your life would have changed if you, at that very moment have taken another path. What would you have done if one day you're given a chance to go back to past and rewrite the history? Which part of your life would you want to change and how?

And sometimes in our life, there are certain decisions we have made against our will. Would you want to rewind back to that period of time and choose another decision? Or would you still stick to the same decision which has brought you where you are now? How would it had affect your future; will you become better or worse? Well, at least that's for you to figure out.

To him, the past will just remain as a history no matter how hard you look at it. Rewriting the history will be impossible for now and it isn't something to meddle about even with the invention of time machine in the mere future. It would be a real mess even if just a little part of the history is rewritten!

An abrupt stop because he suddenly feels sleepy and decided to go bed now.The word 'suddenly' appeared quite many times because this update is really sudden even to the blogger himself. =)

Good night. ^^

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