Tuesday, January 22, 2008

~Time & Tide Wait For No Man~

Hey, I am back!!
After stopped blogging for a few months, I am back here to blog again. ^^

As to refresh the blog, let me blog about what had happened after my first blog in July. ^^

August? August seems to come and go just like that... haha.. as usual, enjoying schooling days and having lots of fun with my friends and also preparing for SPM trial examinations. Kind of a 'stress' and 'cheerful' month as we all (form 5 students) are still slacking though trial is coming nearer and nearer... haha ^^

hmm... nothing much can be said about this month, as far as I remember, I was having my SPM trial examinations and enjoying school life before it ends.

October is just a month away before the real SPM examinations. Stress, happiness, sadness and all those mixed feelings start coming to me in this month. Stress as we are going to sit for SPM examinations real soon, happy as we are going to leave school soon enough after our SPM and enjoy a few months of 'slacking' & feeling down and sad as we (my classmates and I) are going to go on our own ways to further our studies after this.

The time has come... 'SPM', the government examinations compulsory to be taken by all form 5 students. It lasted for around 3 weeks as I can recall. ^^ As usual though, we have been in the stressmood hoping that we can answer those questions given to us......
~ 26 November '07~ *3.30 pm.*
Hooray!! Finally, the stress mood is over and joy and happiness starts rushing into us. We have finally finished our SPM!! Well, all in all, I don't know what to say bout the SPM but I just pray and hope that everything turns out fine. ^^ *pray hard*

Jingle bells Jingle bells~~
Jingle all the way..... la la la la~~~
It's christmas time! ^^
I had my class farewell party in Equatorial Hotel. It was such a nostalgic moment and we all had great time together in the party.
The rest of the month is just about resting and working.... Lol. ^^

January 2008:
Happy New Year!
Some of my friends are leaving to other countries to continue their education overseas, some left already, but I am still thinking about what courses I should take and pursue... haha.. ^^ Haven't make up my mind though. The month is still 'on'.. haha..

That's all for now. ^^

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