Friday, February 1, 2008

~Let bygones be bygones~

"Smileeee~~ Be Carefree! Be Lovely! Be Cheerful! & most importantly, Be Yourself!! Happy Always^^"

We should always be happy, don't you readers agree with me? Being angry at times is something normal. "Angry" can be defined as a feeling of hatred or displeasure towards something or someone. In reality, we will face many ups and downs, disappointment, and even keep our grudges towards others. However, it is better if we can diminish those pessimistic feelings and be more optimistic in our daily life. "We can make our day great and bright by first being optimistic to ourselves and our surrounding"

When I was in Form 4, the year where we students start to shine as we will be getting some positions in the clubs and societies that we joined and that's the time when problems aroused as everyone wanted to get a high position rather than a low position in those clubs and societies. Some of my friends, need not to say who, filled with evil intentions start their "ultimate" plan to get hold of the position they wanted. To accomplish their plan, they have sacrificed many other great and talented students who are more fitted for the position than they are. Some without us knowing had used the infamous "backstabbing" method so badly to get what they wanted. At the end of the day, some managed to execute a well-devised plan and achieved what they wanted and try to make-up for what they had done to get the position. Some unlucky ones got found out and being alienated from others. Though they managed to get a somewhat high position, probably they just "gain the rank of a leader but lost the trust of his armies"

After all these incidents and happenings, I think getting these positions isn't that important as improving ourselves and becoming a better person in the world. I had once hated them for what they had done but come to think of it, is it worth getting angry at them or hate them for their attitude? It doesn't change anything by getting angry at them. It will just make things worse and cause more arguments. These positions and rank are something very abstract and unimportant. At the end of the day, that's not what matter most to person because friendship and love are simply more important than that. "All that glitters is not gold". Getting angry or going into extend of thawing that person until others misinterpret and thought that you are jealous of that person is not a very wise act and can be considered something immature. We should always try to improve ourselves rather than complaining about the past. As to be said, we should try to "forget and forgive" rather than having "vengeance and hatred" in our life. The feeling of vengeance and hatred should be overcome whenever possible so that we can have a brighter day ahead. Live life to the fullest and appreciate our life as we do not know what will happen tomorrow.

That's all for now. ^^

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