Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Um... I also don't know why suddenly I am here posting about taxonomy. Haha.. It was yesterday when my bio teacher was telling us about the chapter 'taxonomy' and how we are going to do a group project in that chapter. Today, while I was browsing through the wiki I happen to come across this word. From what I know, taxonomy is the classification of organisms into a hierarchy of groupings. (Happen to read the first page of taxonomy from my biology textbook). Here's what taxonomy means from wiki:

Taxonomy, sometimes alpha taxonomy, is the science of finding, describing and categorizing organisms, thus giving rise to taxonomic groups or taxa (singular: taxon), which may then be named.

There are seven major levels of taxonomic groupings in traditional Linnaean taxonomy: Kingdom, Phylum or Division, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species (each of which may have several super- or sub groupings). Alpha taxonomy, however, focuses more on the species end of that spectrum (e.g., classifying organisms [specimens] into species groups, and classifying those into genera, rather than determining the higher-level relationships between families or orders).

Lilium Hybrid 'Stargazer'

Probably the group work will involve going around different areas collecting plants specimen. Lol... Hope it's interesting though. =)

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